Belleville Washers Supercharge Grid Reliability

Upgrades to the electrical grid can benefit from Solon Belleville springs and washers by leveraging their unique mechanical properties, including high-load capacity in a compact design, enhanced reliability, and vibration damping. Here’s how they enhance performance in different grid equipment:
1. Circuit Breakers and Switchgear
- Circuit breakers and switchgear experience wear and tear from frequent mechanical movements, vibration, and temperature changes. Consistent contact pressure is crucial to ensure reliable electrical performance and prevent arcing.
- Solon Belleville Springs maintain consistent contact pressure even under variable load and temperature fluctuations, preventing loosening of electrical contacts.
- By reducing micro-movements, these springs minimize the risk of contact wear, improving the lifespan and reliability of the circuit breaker or switchgear.
2. Transformers and Bushings
- Power transformers and high-voltage bushings experience thermal expansion and contraction due to electrical load variations, which can loosen connections over time.
- Using Belleville washers in bolted connections compensates for material expansion and contraction. This ensures stable clamping force and prevents bolt fatigue and loosening over time, improving the safety and operational lifespan of transformers.
3. Vibration Management in Power Distribution Systems
- Electrical substations and renewable energy installations (like wind turbines) are prone to vibrations, which can loosen fasteners and degrade electrical connections.
- Solon Belleville washers act as vibration dampers, absorbing energy from vibrations and maintaining bolt tension over time. This is particularly important for equipment like busbars, inverters, and mounting frames in solar or wind installations.
4. Lightning Protection Systems
- Lightning arrestors need secure electrical connections to ensure that surge currents are efficiently grounded. These connections must withstand large forces from sudden energy discharges.
- Belleville springs provide a consistent and strong clamping force, preventing joint loosening under extreme mechanical and electrical stress. This ensures that the grounding path remains reliable over time.
5. Energy Storage Systems (Batteries and Supercapacitors)
- Fasteners in battery packs and supercapacitor arrays need to withstand thermal cycling and vibrations, which can loosen connections over time and lead to failures.
- Solon washers ensure continuous contact pressure in the battery pack’s bolted connections, enhancing energy efficiency and reducing maintenance needs by preventing voltage drops caused by loose connections.
Learn more about the use of our products in the electrical industry:
Case Study: Solon Belleville Springs Maintain Bolt Preload on Electrical Connections
Case Study: Solon Flange Washers Solve Gasketed Joint Leaks in Nuclear Power Station Heat Exchangers
Case Study: Solon Belleville Springs Maintain Bolt Preload on PV Racking Systems
Technical White Paper: Maintain Bolt Preload on Electrical Connections Using Belleville Springs
Product Selection Tools:
Bolted Electrical Connections Calculator
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